
Despite a tendency to be overtly ( ), the poetry of the Middle Ages often sparks the imagination and provides lively entertainment, as well as pious sentiments.

A.diverting B.whimsical C.didactic D.deceitful

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But McConnell Moore has always drawn great strength from such cartoonish ( ), which he collects and then displays on his Senate office wall.

A.applauses B.vituperations C.condemns D.appraisals
s="" rules="" of="" order,="" (="" )during="" the="" meeting.'>

Following the guidelines for speaking and voting established by the book Robert's Rules of Order, ( )during the meeting.

A.and avoid large decision-making organizations’ procedural can fusion B.large decision-making organizations avoid procedural confusion C.is procedural confusion avoided by large decision-making organizations D.are avoiding procedural confusion in large decision-making organizations

Read the following short paragraph carefully and then translate it into English.

宇宙间繁星密布,人们以为这之中有一些如我们的太阳一样为行星环绕,而在 这些行星上可能存在有智能的生物,或许他们比我们更先进。所以有可能在百万年左右 某些生物乘坐自己的飞船穿越太空时,会发现我们的某艘“旅行者(Voyager)”号飞船。 星球之间的距离十分遥远,这样的一次相聚可能性极小,但这并不是完全不可能的。科 学家希望有机会和我们遥远的邻居传递信息,让他们知道我们这个蓝色的星球曾经是相 当聪明的、多少有点文明的人类的家园。

Although Johnson’s and Smith’s initial fascination with the fortunes of those jockeying for power in the law firm ( )after a few months, the two paid sufficient attention to determine who their lunch partners should be.

A.revived B.persisted C.intensified D.flagged

Today, we who read Latin return far more often to the exuberance of Apuleius than to the carefully molded ( )of Cicero.

A.platitudes B.objects C.piracies D.redundancies
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