
Definitions of “culture” are multiple, broad, and notably ambiguous. While there is no agreed-upon definition of culture, the classic definition by E. B. Tylor in 1871 is widely cited: “culture... is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.” Most definitions of culture emphasize that it is complex and dynamic, comprised of the shared solutions to problems faced by the group. These solutions include technologies, beliefs, and behaviors.Culture does not determine behavior, but affords group members a repertoire of ideas and possible actions, providing the framework through which they understand themselves, their environment, and their experiences. Culture is a complex set of relationships, responses, and interpretations that must be understood, not as a body of discrete traits, but as an integrated system of orientations and practices generated within a specific socioeconomic context. Culture is ever changing and always being revised within the dynamic context of its enactment.Culture is neither a blueprint nor an identity; individuals choose between various cultural options, and in our multicultural society, many times choose widely between the options offered by a variety of cultural traditions. It is not possible to predict the beliefs and behaviors of individuals based on their race, ethnicity, or national origin. Individuals’ group membership cannot be assumed to indicate their culture because those who share a group label may variously enact culture.In its zeal to encourage respect for cultural differences, the cultural competency movement has sometimes lost sight of these important features of the concept of culture. Instead it has too often represented culture as a decontextualized set of traits providing a template for the perceptions and behaviors of group members. A burgeoning literature on cultural diversity presents the reader with veritable laundry lists of traditional beliefs and practices ostensibly characteristic of particular ethnic groups. This approach encourages the questionable notion that immigrants and certain ethnic and racial minorities are particularly driven by traditionalism. The emphasis in this genre is on difference, pitting the exotic and esoteric against mainstream or conventional beliefs that remain unnamed and unexplored.The misconception, common in clinical settings, that culture can be understood as a set of discrete traits, has led some mistakenly to treat culture as an explanatory variable, subject to prediction and control. In such applications, specific ethnic cultures are represented as a codified body of characteristics that can be identified and then either modified or manipulated to facilitate clinical goals.Paradoxically, in such approaches, what originated in a desire to promote respect for individual differences may instead promote stereotyping and essentializing. This process of reifying presumed difference may have the unintended consequence of bolstering a sense of group boundaries. It may also reinforce the belief that culture can be diagnosed and treated, that exotic or unfamiliar beliefs and behaviors of members of already disempowered subgroups should be controlled and adjusted to resemble norms of the dominant group.1.Which statement is NOT true according to this passage?2.Culture is not an identity because culture( ) .3.Emphasizing cultural differences too much would ( ).4.Which of the following is the author’s viewpoint?

A.Definitions of culture are usually difficult, varied and ambiguous. B.There is no agreed-upon definition of culture so far. C.There is no common ground in different definitions of culture. D.Most definitions of culture emphasize that it is complex and dynamic.
A.does determine behavior B.does not provide possible actions C.can predict the beliefs and behaviors of individuals D.is optional and ever changing within the dynamic context
A.help grasp the most important features of the concept of culture B.treat cultu

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Many Fine Art graduates take ( ) professional practice as artists, and this course encourages them to consider their role as artists in the community by providing opportunities for short-term placements outside the Faculty.

A.down B.up C.out D.in

Being born in the summer could give you a sunny disposition for life. And a winter birthday might cast a permanent shadow______your happiness, scientists believe.

A.through B.cross C.beneath D.over
s="" government,="" america's="" does="" not="" think="" rats="" and="" mice="" worth="" counting.="" japan="" china="" have="" even="" less="" comprehensive="" data="" than="" america,="" animals="" used="" in="" research="" those="" two="" countries="" are="" protected="" to="" the="" same="" extent="" that="" they="" west.="" so,="" academic="" centers="" supporting="" alternatives="" animal="" testing="" emerged="" both="" places="" recent="" years.="" july="" issued="" its="" first="" set="" of="" guidelines="" governing="" use="" research. In an ideal world, there would be no animal testing. It is expensive and can be of dubious scientific value, since different species often react differently to the same procedure. That is why many researchers are working on ways of reducing the number of animal experiments needed and of making those that still happen more effective. However, the transition is proving easier for some types of experiment than for others, as a group of researchers in the field discussed at the sixth World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, held last week in Tokyo. The most important message from the congress was that things are going in the right direction. The number of animals used in experiments has fallen by half in the past 30 years, at least in those countries that record such things. There has also been a shift in the sort of animal used. Most of those employed today are rodents rather than dogs, cats, rabbits and monkeys. (That public opinion generally welcomes this is, however, a good example of "cutist" prejudice for one species over another: there is no reason to believe that rodents suffer less than other mammals.) Also, of the experiments that are still conducted, the majority are now concerned with developing and testing medicine rather than, say, checking how toxic cosmetics are. Of the 11 m animals involved each year in experiments that have to be reported to the European Commission, about 45 % are used for medical and veterinary purposes and another 35% for basic biomedical research.

1.Which of the following is "an illusion"?

2.Many researchers are currently trying to ______.

3.The cutist prejudice probably refers to the fact that ______.


For a nation of pet lovers, Britain conducts a surprising number of experiments on animals some 3 m a year. America appears to use fewer animals—just 1.1 m a year, according to official statistics—but that is an illusion. Unlike Britain's government, America's does not think rats and mice worth counting. Japan and China have even less comprehensive data than America, and animals used in research in those two countries are not protected to the same extent that they are in the West. Even so, academic centers supporting alternatives to animal testing have emerged in both places in recent years. In July China issued its first set of guidelines governing the use of animals in research.In an ideal world, there would be no animal testing. It is expensive and can be of dubious scientific value, since different species often react differently to the same procedure. That is why many researchers are working on ways of reducing the number of animal experiments needed and of making those that still happen more effective. However, the transition is proving easier for some types of experiment than for others, as a group of researchers in the field discussed at the sixth World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, held last week in Tokyo.The most important message from the congress was that things are going in the right direction. The number of animals used in experiments has fallen by half in the past 30 years, at least in those countries that record such things. There has also been a shift in the sort of animal used. Most of those employed today are rodents rather than dogs, cats, rabbits and monkeys. (That public opinion generally welcomes this is, however, a good example of "cutist" pre

改革开放以来, 中国找到了一条适合自己国情的促进和发展人权的道路。中国是一个历史悠久、人口众多、资源和财富相对短缺的东方发展中国家。在这样一个国家促进人权, 既不能照搬西方发达国家的人权发展模式, 也不能因袭其他发展中国家的做法, 只能从中国的国情出发, 探索具有自身特点的发展道路。改革开放以后, 中国在总结历史经验和教训的基础上, 找到了一条真正符合中国国情的促进人权发展的道路。这就是:将生存权和发展权放在首位, 在改革、发展、稳定的条件下, 全面推进人权。这条道路的特点是:在发展人权的基本方向上, 坚持发展生产力和共同富裕的原则, 立足于改善全国人民的生活和促进全国人民人权的发展。在促进人权的轻重缓急上, 强调生存权、发展权的首要地位, 同时兼顾公民的政治、经济、社会、文化权利和个人、集体权利的全面发展:在促进和保障人权的方式上, 强调稳定是前提, 发展是关键, 改革是动力, 法制是保障。20多年来, 由于中国坚持了这条正 确的发展道路, 不仅使全国人民的生活状况和精神风貌大为改观, 而且形成了一整套比较完备的保障人民民主权利的政治制度和法律体系, 从而使人权建设在制度化、法律化的轨道上 取得了长足的进展, 人权状况呈现出不断改善的良好态势。

Directions:Translate the following paragraph from Chinese into English. Please write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.

t="" know.="" but="" it's="" about="" time="" ______="" on="" something."'>

"What courses are you going to do next semester?""I don't know. But it's about time ______ on something."

A.I'd decide B.I decided C.I decide D.I'm deciding
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