题目网 > “长老会”热点
Washington Irving was America"s first man of letters to be known internationally. His works were received enthusiastically both in England and in the United States. He was, in fact, one of the most successful writers of his time in either country, delighting a large general public and at the same time winning the admiration of fellow writers like Scott in Britain and Poe and Hawthorne in the United States. The respect in which he was held was partly owing to the man himself, with his warm friendliness, his good sense, his politeness, his gay spirits, his artistic integrity, his love of both the Old World and the New World. Thackery described Irving as"a gentleman, who, though himself born in no very high sphere, was most finished, polished, witty; socially the equal of the most refined Europeans". In England he was granted an honorary degree from Oxford—an unusual honor for a citizen of a young, uncultured nation—and he received the medal of the Royal Society of Literature; America made him ambassador to Spain. Irving"s background provides little to explain his literary achievements. A gifted but delicate child, he had little schooling. He studied law, but without zeal, and never did practice seriously. He was immune to his strict Presbyterian(长老会教徒的)home environment, frequenting both social gatherings and the theater.What is the most proper comment on Irving?A.His works were very popular in England and the United States.B.He was respected by many fellow writers.C.He gained international fame by his personality and his works.D.He is a gentleman.
s="" and="" became="" popular="" from="" then="" on.="" during="" this="" time="" lloyd's="" of="" london="" was="" growing.=""came="" coffee="" house="" where="" insurance="" transacted="" by="" ship="" owners="" with="" the="" underwriters="" who="" met="" to="" put="" together="" contracts="" other="" shipping="" merchant="" related="" business. Some people think of insurance as gambling. It really isn't gambling even though it has the similarities of probability and odds. Insurance serves a public good of sharing the financial risks of existence and life and death among many to serve those who have experienced a loss. The first life insurance company in the United States started in 1735. This Company was started for the benefit of Presbyterian (长老会的) ministers' families. Life insurance was originally dominated by the mutual life insurance companies. These are life insurance companies that are owned by the policyholders and thus those policy owners receive their pro-rata(按比例的)share of the company's profits. There are also stock life insurance companies where the profits are made for the benefit of the stockholders. Similar to the mutual life insurance companies are fraternal(互助会的)life insurance companies which were started by the various fraternal orders to assist their members. Today the insurance business has evolved to a multi-faceted business with various programs and numerous distribution methods. The internet and the insurance industry is in its infancy with most insurance companies having a web site and now with web sites able to do life insurance quotes online such as www.lifeinsure.com which also has educational pages where you can learn about the types of life insurance including whole life insurance, term life insurance and survivorship life insurance.There are choices today that differ greatly from the choices of even a few years ago. The internet has made information on life insurance accessible just as any subject. But you still need the right knowledge. That may come from a qualified insurance agent who knows their business or from a great life insurance or disability insurance web site that provides great information for you to study.

1. What’s the main purposes of the ‘‘burial clubs”?2. What does the word “underwriters” in Paragraph 2 mean?3. What makes life insurance different from gambling?4. What kind of life insurance companies did dominate the premier market in the U.S.?5. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?


Life insurance reflects one of the best parts of human beings, caring for others. One buys life insurance because he or she loves their spouse and children. There are benefits while living but the real reason is to make sure others are financially taken care of.One of the first records of life insurance was in Rome. There, groups came together called burial clubs. These were set up by the poor to pay for the funerals of the members and to help the surviving family members financially. The middle ages had associations for the various types of highly skilled labor. There are accounts that show that these guilds helped their members with various types of insurance including life insurance and disability insurance. Life insurance came into its own in England in the late 1600's and became popular from then on. During this time Lloyd's of London was growing. Lloyd's name came from Lloyd's Coffee House where insurance was transacted by ship owners with the underwriters who met to put together insurance contracts and other shipping and merchant related business.Some people think of insurance as gambling. It really isn't gambling even though it has the similarities of probability and odds. Insurance serves a public good of sharing the financial risks of existence and life and death among many to serve those who have experienced a loss.The first life insurance company in the United States started in 1735. This Company was started for the benefit of Presbyterian (长老会的) ministers' families. Life insurance was originally dominated by the mutual life insurance companies. The

Our spiritual intelligence quotient,or SQ,helps us understand ourselves,and live fuller,
happier lives.
While we’re all born with SQ,most of us don’t even realize that we have it.Fortunately,you don't have to sign up for classes to learn how to improve your SQ.Here are some simple steps that can lead you to this new level of understanding.
Sit Quietly.The process of developing spiritual intelligence begins with solitude(独处)and
silence.To tune in to your spirit,you have to turn down the volume in your busy,noisy,complicated life and force yourself to do nothing at all.Start small by creating islands for silence in
your day.In the car,instead of reading or doing something else,use the time to think.At work,
shut the door to our office between meetings,take a few breaths and let them out very,very slowly.Enjoy the stillness in your home after the kids are finally in bed.
Step Outside.For many people,nature sets their spirit free.Go outside to watch a beautiful
sunset.If you are walking with your dog,take the time to admire flowers in bloom;follow the flight of birds;watch clouds float overhead.
Ask Questions of Yourself.Ask open-ended questions,such as “What am I feeling?” “What are my choices?”or “Where am I heading?” But don’t expect an answer to arrive through some
supernatural form or e-mail.“Rarely do I get an immediate answer to my question,”says Reverend  Joan Carter,a Presbyterian(长老会的)minister in Sausalito,California.“But later that day I suddenly find myself thinking about a problem in a perspective(视角)I never considered before.”
Trust Your Spirit.While most of us rely on gut feeling(本能的反应)to realize danger,spiritual intelligence pushes us,not away from,but towards some action that will lead to a greater good.
68.The passage is mainly about_____.
A.what your SQ is and in what way it can benefit your life
B.what your SQ is and in what way it can be improved
C.the relationship between your SQ and your life
D.advantages and disadvantages of SQ
69.The underlined phrase “tune in to your spirit” in the third paragraph probably means______.
A.get your spirit relaxed   B.keep up your spirit
C.keep seated quietly D.change your spirit
70.The author mentions the example of Reverend Joan Carter to show that_____.
A.there are no immediate answers to your questions
B.e-mails can’t keep working out a problem
C.the more questions you ask,the better answers you’ll get
D.changing your way of thinking might help you solve a problem
71.From the passage,we can know that the most important thing to improve your SQ is________.
A.a peaceful mind        B.deep thought
C.spare time and hobbies   D.good spirits

(24分)思想文化的交流、碰撞和社会生活的变迁,反映了不同历史时期的时代特征.阅读材料,回答问题。材料一 自1843年至1860年,传教士在广州出版中文书籍、刊物42种,其中29为宗教宣传品,占总数的69%。另外,13种为天文地理、历史、医学等科学读物,占总数的30%。设在十三行的博济医院,即新豆栏医局,门庭若市,成为传教士扩大西方文化影响的重要场所。1848年,英国伦敦会传教士合信(BenjaminHobson)来的这里,在金利埠创办惠爱医院。……1850年,美国长老会传教士哈巴安德(AndrewPattonHapper)在广州开办男子日校,三年后又开女子日校、寄宿学墅各一所。这是广州新式教育之始。(1)依据材料一,概括鸦片战争后西学在中国传播有哪些主要途径?(8分)材料二 早在19世纪末;随着西方商品对民众生活模式的冲击,趋洋附西的倾向就在时势的流变中推动着生活习俗的演变。“凡物之极贵重者,皆谓之洋。高楼曰洋楼,彩轿曰洋轿。挂灯名洋灯,火锅名洋锅。……大江南北,莫不以洋为尚……”(2)概括材料二所反映的社会现象,(2分)结合所学知识概括出现这种历史现象的主要原因。(6分)材料三 中华民国成立之后,民主共和已成为主要潮流,各派力量纷纷建立政党,以争取议会中的席位。据统计,从武昌起义至1913年底,新成立的团体哟682个,其中,政党类型的团体312个,京、沪两地占了一半以上。这些政党,有的无一定章程,也无固定组织,仅发一声明就渺无声息;有的党又为壮大声势而到处拉人,赠送党证。有些人今天此党明天彼党,飘忽不定:有些人为捞取实利,又身跨数党。各派政治力量都在共和的幌子下捞取政治资本。1912—1913年参加国会大选的主要政党





















阅读下列材料,回答问题。 那一种遥远的幽默 杨芳 本来,曹禺从南开转学到清华,一半是为了王文显。他早就听说,这位外国语文学系主任,对戏剧颇有研究。 但听课后,他竞有些失望。从头至尾,王文显都在念英文讲义,而且年年如此,从不增删。难怪教《近代诗歌》的温源宁教授说,那情形“好似一个长老会的牧师正在主持葬礼”。 即便在课下,他也枯燥无味。据说,学生登门拜访,大多是谈正事,说完便走,“没有人逗留,也没有人希望延长约会时间”。 他不苟言笑,瘦长白净的脸上,嘴角略微向下撇。1936年外国语文学会的合影里,他穿件深色的西服,搭配斜纹领带,背着手,和吴宓一左一右立在中央,满脸严肃。自1915年伦敦大学毕业,王文显便在清华教书,直至1937年学校南迁。其间,他历任教务主任、代理校长和外文系主任。 不同于为人的刻板,他写出的剧本却别有一番幽默,“没有丝毫沉闷无味之处”。 在暗讽袁世凯称帝的喜剧《梦里京华》中,他写下一幕大小老婆争当皇后的闹剧:“大太太喘气喘得活像夏天的狗。她旋转得眼花缭乱。一姨太太一个箭步跳到她身后,伸手要抓她的头发。她没有抓住头发,仅仅撕下她的领子。” 他的另一部英文喜剧《委曲求全》,写得则是教授钩心斗角的丑态。男主角是一位大学校长,一出场,便抱着哈巴狗,大言不惭地对下人说:“我要不耍一点儿手腕,你想我能维持五分钟之久吗?” 这是这位代理校长的切身感受吗?人们不得而知。至少,在现实中不大看得出来。在会议上,他不慌不忙,不东拉西扯;做事方面,他一丝不苟,“各个方面无疵可求”。甚至,他永远一个样儿,抽烟斗,打网球,夏天穿短装,冬天换长袍。 温源宁说他“像个固定的设备毫无改变”,调侃他为清华的“不倒翁”和“定影液”:“没有他,清华就不是清华;有了他,不管清华还会再有多少变革,也依旧是清华。” 与学生曹禺的悲剧不同,王文显的作品是喜剧,充满了嘲讽,令人捧腹大笑后若有所思。 《委曲求全》在耶鲁大学演出时,《波士顿报》一位记者评价:“柔和的、恶嘲的微笑……实在是中国人对于喜剧的一种贡献。” “(他的作品)是那种坐在小剧场里,一边喝着咖啡和茶,一边细细品味的话剧。”中国艺术研究院话剧研究所副研究员张耀杰说。 1990年,正读研究生的张耀杰在资料室无意中发现一本二三十年代的杂志。上面布满灰尘,旧得“翻几下就会烂掉”,其中介绍了王文显。不同于那个年代常有的慷慨激昂,他的文字温文尔雅,很有情趣。 “这种情趣充满了文人式幽默,没有火药味,温厚中带着一丝人文关怀。”张耀杰说,“我们现在很少还有这种幽默。” 只是这种情趣“缺乏战斗性”,这些文字也在以往的戏剧史研究中被忽略。出版于20世纪80年代、被称为中国戏剧史权威著作的《中国现代戏剧史稿》一书,732页里对他的介绍只有薄薄4页。“剧中所表现的民主主义和爱国主义精神以及基于这种精神对中国黑暗现实的批判,是在历史上起了进步作用的。”书中写道。 清华大学图书馆东北角不远处,曾是王文显居住的北院住宅区。梁启超、朱自清等学者也一度在这里居住。而如今,这里则是一大片草坪,稀稀拉拉种着柳树和杨树,有学生在看书,也有老人推着童车,早已不复是“点点翠竹千般绿,几条小路尽文人”的景象了。请根据文本,探析“没有他,清华就不是清华;有了他,不管清华还会再有多少变革,也依旧是清华”这句话的含义。

那一种遥远的幽默杨芳  本来,曹禺从南开转学到清华,一半是为了王文显。他早就听说,这位外国语文学系主任,对戏剧颇有研究。  但听课后,他竞有些失望。从头至尾,王文显都在念英文讲义,而且年年如此,从不增删。难怪教《近代诗歌》的温源宁教授说,那情形“好似一个长老会的牧师正在主持葬礼”。  即便在课下,他也枯燥无味。据说,学生登门拜访,大多是谈正事,说完便走,“没有人逗留,也没有人希望延长约会时间”。  他不苟言笑,瘦长白净的脸上,嘴角略微向下撇。1936年外国语文学会的合影里,他穿件深色的西服,搭配斜纹领带,背着手,和吴宓一左一右立在中央,满脸严肃。自1915年伦敦大学毕业,王文显便在清华教书,直至1937年学校南迁。其间,他历任教务主任.代理校长和外文系主任。  不同于为人的刻板,他写出的剧本却别有一番幽默,“没有丝毫沉闷无味之处”。  在暗讽袁世凯称帝的喜剧《梦里京华》中,他写下一幕大小老婆争当皇后的闹剧:“大太太喘气喘得活像夏天的狗。她旋转得眼花缭乱。一姨太太一个箭步跳到她身后,伸手要抓她的头发。她没有抓住头发,仅仅撕下她的领子。”  他的另一部英文喜剧《委曲求全》,写得则是教授钩心斗角的丑态。男主角是一位大学校长,一出场,便抱着哈巴狗,大言不惭地对下人说:“我要不耍一点儿手腕,你想我能维持五分钟之久吗?”  这是这位代理校长的切身感受吗?人们不得而知。至少,在现实中不大看得出来。在会议上,他不慌不忙,不东拉西扯;做事方面,他一丝不苟,“各个方面无疵可求”。甚至,他永远一个样儿,抽烟斗,打网球,夏天穿短装,冬天换长袍。  温源宁说他“像个固定的设备毫无改变”,调侃他为清华的“不倒翁”和“定影液”:“没有他,清华就不是清华;有了他,不管清华还会再有多少变革,也依旧是清华。”  与学生曹禺的悲剧不同,王文显的作品是喜剧,充满了嘲讽,令人捧腹大笑后若有所思。  《委曲求全》在耶鲁大学演出时,《波士顿报》一位记者评价:“柔和的.恶嘲的微笑……实在是中国人对于喜剧的一种贡献。”  “(他的作品)是那种坐在小剧场里,一边喝着咖啡和茶,一边细细品味的话剧。”中国艺术研究院话剧研究所副研究员张耀杰说。  1990年,正读研究生的张耀杰在资料室无意中发现一本二三十年代的杂志。上面布满灰尘,旧得“翻几下就会烂掉”,其中介绍了王文显。不同于那个年代常有的慷慨激昂,他的文字温文尔雅,很有情趣。  “这种情趣充满了文人式幽默,没有火药味,温厚中带着一丝人文关怀。”张耀杰说,“我们现在很少还有这种幽默。”  只是这种情趣“缺乏战斗性”,这些文字也在以往的戏剧史研究中被忽略。出版于20世纪80年代.被称为中国戏剧史权威著作的《中国现代戏剧史稿》一书,732页里对他的介绍只有薄薄4页。“剧中所表现的民主主义和爱国主义精神以及基于这种精神对中国黑暗现实的批判,是在历史上起了进步作用的。”书中写道。  清华大学图书馆东北角不远处,曾是王文显居住的北院住宅区。梁启超.朱自清等学者也一度在这里居住。而如今,这里则是一大片草坪,稀稀拉拉种着柳树和杨树,有学生在看书,也有老人推着童车,早已不复是“点点翠竹千般绿,几条小路尽文人”的景象了。[问题1][简答题]文章已有《梦里京华》一例,为何还要列举《委曲求全》?请简要分析。[问题2][简答题]请根据文本,探析“没有他,清华就不是清华;有了他,不管清华还会再有多少变革,也依旧是清华”这句话的含义。