
Susan has ( )the elbows of her son’s jacket with leather patches to make it more durable.

A.reinforced B.sustained C.steadied D.confirmed

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All that may come to my knowledge in the exercise of my profession or in daily commerce with men, which ought not to be spread abroad, I will keep secret and will never reveal.

A.business B.exchange C.wedlock D.contact

Ancient Greeks believed that the gods, who resembled humans, lived on Mount Olympus, where they had a hierarchical society. Individual gods became associated with three main( )—the sky or heaven, the sea, and the earth.

A.paradigms B.regimes C.domains D.regimens

The playwright’s parliamentary career was notable for his eloquent speeches made in opposition to the British war against the American colonies, in support of the new French Republic, and in denunciation of the British colonial administrator Warren Hastings.

A.sycophancy B.condemnation C.gratification D.menace

In the world of show business, for example, fame is apt to be breathtakingly( ), a year in the limelight followed by total obscurity.

A.ephemeral B.peripheral C.perpetual D.evanescent

That was a man-made disaster that clearly ( )if the federal government, specifically the Federal Emergency Management Agency, had quickly marshaled the political resources to evacuate those without access to cars, instead of promoting on its Web site a faith-based charity that was clearly no match for the problem.

A.could have been averted B.should have just averted C.would have not really averted D.could have not averted
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