
After the recent scandal the priest is expected to do the( )thing and resign from hisposition.

A.reticent B.decent C.innocent D.descent

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s="" who,="" i="" became="" a="" fine="" stick-in-the-mud.To me, an urban woman who lives much of her life according to other people's deadlines and demands, this was a chance to literally vacate the world of schedules and struggles.I did not, do not, use my vacation to climb mountains, shoot rapids or fulfill itineraries of some travel agent. I preferred to drift along ray inclination down through the circle of goals to the mud of acceptance.I was content with the harmony we call doing nothing. There was a sense of letting got being at ease with time rather than at odds with it, I wallowed in the under-standing that there was nothing that had to be done beyond watching the clothes dry and casting for mackerel.But I was also returning. Returning to the energy, the structure, the demands, the pressure, I also chose engagement.There are, I suppose, these two sides to all of us. The side that wallows like any riser organism in the world, and the other side that seeks some purpose "above" that. The side that feels most content in nature, and the other side that feels more energized "on top of the world."I am aware of this duality, the urge to watch the mud, the urge to build something out of it. Our peculiar human creativity doesn't come from harmony but from wrestling with chaos as well. Every poem and every building was wrested out of material by people who refused to accept things as they were.Too often we work by clocks instead of sunsets and become more attuned to air conditioning than the condition of the air. But there is also in all this the challenge and energy and pleasure of accomplishment.At one time, I thought these worlds were at odds, that we had to choose engagement or disengagement, accepting or accomplishment, watching the mud or building with it.But traveling this kind of road again and again, I realized that they are just two destinations, points along a path of dirt and pavement. Now it is the tension that intrigues me. The search for a balance between comfort and purposefulness, between accepting things and struggling with them.Driving home, I was reluctant to leave one for the other, reluctant to put on my city clothes of purpose and structure. But I knew that I was lucky to be a commuter.

36.In the first few paragraphs the author( ).37.Which of the following best describes the way the author spends her vacation?38.All of the following signify the author's two different worlds EXCEPT ( ) 39.We can infer from the passage that ( ) . 40.What does the author most probably mean when she says she was lucky to be a commuter?


Finally the dirt road in Maine was leading home. The tire touched the first profanity of pavement, and subtly my vacation began slipping away.By the first Finally the dirt road in Maine was leading home. The tire touched the first profanity of pavement, tollbooth my state of mind had shifted from neutral to first gear. By the time I had passed all my favorite landmarks, the sign to Biddeford, the bridge labeled Cat Mousam Road—I had slowly and reluctantly begun to relocate my sense of place, my sense of values.I was going back, to lists and alarm clocks and stockings and school lunches and all the external pressures of the life known as civilization. I was going back to things I had to do.This time even the skies divided these two halves of my life. Along Route 95, a curtain of almost impenetrable rain separated one world from the other. The day before, this rain on the roof of the house would have been a comforting boundary to the day, a prediction of reading and fires. Now, the rain on the windshield of the car was a hassle, a challenge to overcome.I turned up the radio, so I could hear the final installment of Jane Eyre over the pelting rain, and thought about these different rhythms that mark my own life, mark of our lives. Left behind was a world in which I simply lived according to its patterns. Ahead of me was the world of agendas and problems that I was expected to encounter and resolve.Was it country versus city? Leisure versus work? Nature versus

It is surprising that such an innocent-looking man should have( )such a crime.

A.confirmed B.clarified C.committed D.conveyed

Pioneer men and women endured terrible hardships, and( ).

A.neither did the children B.so do their children C.also the children D.so did their children

The contemporary phenomenon of motorcar worship is to be explained not least by the sense of independence and freedom that ownership( ).

A.enrolls B.entraps C.enrages D.entails

While there have been countless attempts at correlating sunspot cycles with such diverse phenomena as the economy, crop yields, and the weather, there has been little evidence to support these correlations. The past few decades have seen a renewed interest in the sun-climate relationship with a comprehensive analysis of many different historical records of solar observation. Late in the seventeenth century, a period known as the Maunder Minimum, there were virtually no sunspots observed, indicating a “quiet” period in the sun’s activity coinciding with the height of a time known as the Little Ice Age, a period of lower temperatures in Europe. Once this evidence had been synthesized, it has become much clearer that there are indeed robust correlations between the Earth’s temperature and sunspots. Perhaps the most important development in the solar-climate link came when satellites were developed to measure, in rough terms, the Total Solar Irradiance (TSI), a factor shown to be directly related to these “activity” cycles. At the maxima of these cycles, there are more sunspots (magnetic phenomena that attenuate local irradiance), but new instruments show that these dark sunspots are more than compensated for by bright areas on the sun called faculae; therefore, the overall irradiance increases in correspondence with higher numbers of sunspots.Unfortunatedly, identifying this evident increase in minimum values as a trend provokes concern, as there have been only two minima ever measured in this way. We must be aware that the warming trend in the surface temperature goes far beyond the last two decades, and that an extension of the solar record is necessary to assess whether solar activity and irradiance is indeed increasing at the minima of the cycles and what the potential effect on the climate may be. The solar record has been extended by the use of the historical sunspot records already mentioned and correlations have been drawn between solar irradiance and the temperature curve since 1610, suggesting a predominant solar influence in the pre-industrial period. But since 1860 only half the observed warming could be attributable to the irradiance increase, indicating that some other influence is becoming more influential in controlling the temperature change: most likely industrial carbon-dioxide.Recent studies of global warming have necessitated a more comprehensive effort to quantify the natural climate variability so that the residual change may be attributed to the anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases. This attempt at quantification of the many different forces effect on the climate has re-emphasized the complexity of the climate system and the simultaneous interaction of many influences. Solar irradiance may indeed account for some of the temperature increases recorded over the last several decades, but as the atmospheric CO2 rises, due to the exponential increase in emissions from industrial sources, the influence of solar variability on the Earth’s climate will most likely decrease, and its relative contribution will be far surpassed by “greenhouse” gases.

31.The author focuses primarily on ( ) .32.Which of the following statements concerning the comparison between preindustrial and post-industrial climate change, as described in the passage, is accurate?33.According to the passage, extending solar record is important for which of the following reasons?34.According to the passage, sunspot cycles have which of the following characteristics?35.It can be inferred from the passage that the author regards the correlations drawn in recent decades between sunspots and terrestrial phenomena as( ).

A.pointing out the success of a certain line of scientific inquiry into the terrestrial effects of solar activity while qualifying its successes with regard to climate change B.giving a brief overview of some recent scientific developments in solar physics and explaining their possible implications for future research C.discussing the successes in linking terrestrial phenomena with solar activity and indica
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