
Many people who are otherwise committed to low-carbon life-styles will ( ) from participating in an action that might involve significant levels of police harassment or even violence.

A.take off B.be taken off C.put off D.be put off

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There was a knock at the door. It was the second time someone( ) me that evening.

A.had interrupted B.would have interrupted C.to have interrupted D.to interrupt

Since the end of the war, a semblance of ( )has gradually returned with people going to work and shops reopening.

A.normalization B.norm C.normative D.normality

Most people travel in the course of their work are given traveling( )

A.income B.allowances C.wages D.pay

The narrow passage ended in a round arch fringed with ivy and creepers. The children passed through the arch into a narrow ravine whose banks were of stone, moss-covered. Trees growing on the top of the bank arched across and the sunlight came through in changing patches of brightness. The path, which was of greeny-grey stones where heaps of leaves had drifted, sloped steeply down, and at the end of it was another round arch, quite dark inside, above which were rose rocks and grass and bushes.“It’s like the outside of a railway tunnel,” said Jimmy.“It might be the entrance to an enchanted castle,” said Kathleen.Under the drifted damp leaves the path was firm and stony. At the dark arch they stopped.“There are steps down,” said Gerald.Very slowly and carefully they went down the steps. Gerald struck a match when the last step was found to have no edge and to be in fact the beginning of a passage turning to the left.“This,” said Jimmy, “might take us back to the road.”“Or under it,” said Gerald, “we’ve come down eleven steps.”They went on, following Gerald, who went very slowly for fear, as he explained, of steps. The passage was very dark.Then came a glimmer of daylight that grew and grew and presently ended in another arch that looked out over a scene so like a picture out of a book about Italy that everyone’s breath was taken away, and they simply walked forward silent and staring. A short avenue of cypresses led, winding as it went, to a marble terrace that lay broad and white in the sunlight. The children, blinking, leaned their arms on the flat balustrade (栏杆)and gazed.Immediately below them was a lake with swans and an island with willow trees, and among the trees gleamed the white figures of statues. Against a hill to the left was a round white building with pillars and to the right a waterfall came tumbling down among mossy stones to splash into the lake. Steps went from the terrace to the water and other steps to the green lawns beside it. Away across the grassy slopes deer were feeding and in the distance was an enormous house of grey stone, like nothing the children had ever seen before.“It is an enchanted castle,” said Gerald.“There aren’t any enchanted castles,” said Jimmy, “you ought to know that.”“Well, anyway, I’m going to explore,” said Gerald. “You needn’t come if you don’t wantto.” The others followed. There never was such a garden—out of a picture or a fairy tale. They passed quite close to the deer, who only raised their heads to look and did not seem startled at all. After a long stretch of grass, they passed under an avenue of lime trees and came into a rose garden bordered with thick hedges.“I know we shall meet a gardener in a minute and he’ll ask what we’re doing here, and then what shall we say?” Kathleen asked.“We’ll say we’ve lost our way, and it will be quite true,” said Gerald.1.When they came out of the last arch the children were silent because( ) .

2.From the terrace the children were able to see( ) .3.How was it possible to reach the lake from the terrace?4.Kathleen thought that if they met a gardener( ) .5.The story suggests that the children( ) .

A.they were out of breath B.they were amazed at what they saw C.the light hurt their eyes D.they saw an Italian picture问题2: A.a lake with trees growing in it B.some swans among the trees on an island C.a lake just behind them D.some statues on an island in the lake问题3: A.There were some steps leading down. B.There were some steps leading right. C.There was a waterfall going down to the lake. D.There were steps to some stones.问题4: A.he would think they had lost their way B.he would know why they were there C.they would ask him why they were there D.he would ask them why they were there问题5: A.had been told about the castle before B.had seen pictures of the castle in a book C.had no idea what they were going to see D.knew they were going to see something wonderful

The question of ethics in the legal profession is one that has plagued the industry since its inception. The common image of an attorney is one who will resort to any unethical trick to(1)the laws to fit his purposes. In the more specific industry of criminal law, defense attorneys are often criticized for advocating(2) defendants who are “obviously guilty,” thus becoming roadblocks on the path to(3). Much to the contrary, (4), defense attorneys provide a valuable service that should earn them praise, not scorn. While it is true that every lawyer will do everything (5) to interpret the laws in the manner most beneficial to his client, such a characterization is (6) limited to defense attorneys. The prosecutor will do the same thing, employing all his legal knowledge and know-how to establish the guilt of the defendant.(7 ), the vague nature of the law is highlighted, and it becomes a virtual necessity for each side to use every tool (8), on the assumption that the other side will also use every tool at his. The net result emerges as a positive, (9) the tricks of the opposing attorney cancel one another out, leaving only the truth, clearer and (10)manipulation,(11)the jury’s consideration. Further, the defense attorney is a vital element of the American judicial system, (12)without him the defendant would stand no chance whatsoever. Under the constitution, even the most “obvious guilty” defendants (13)the right to a fair trial, involving someone able and willing to advocate on his behalf. Of course, there are bad apples in the industry who are (14)and care nothing for actual justice, and (15) only concerns are their wallets. Generally speaking, however, without (16), the system would crumble into a mere machine in which defendants are assumed guilty, without a chance to argue or prove (17), and many innocent people(18) with crimes would be severely punished for transgressions that they didn’t commit. It is a basic fact that the adversarial system of justice in the United States is necessary in order to ensure(19)and most unbiased presentation and evaluation of the facts possible. Without defense attorneys, that system cannot be carried out, and (20)a loss of the civil liberties that the nation enjoys and treasures. To that end, all of those who make that process a reality, including defense attorneys, deserve our support and admiration, not our suspicion and disdain.

A.obey B.break C.twist D.adopt
A.at behalf of B.at the behalf of C.on behalf of D.on the behalf of
A.civil liberties B.justice C.transgression D.ethics
A.thus B.furthermore C.moreover D.however
A.beyond his power B.in power C.at his power D.within his power
A.by no means B.by any means C.by all means D.by what means
A.In one respect B.In this respect C.In some respects D.In no respect
A.at their disposal B.at their disposals C.at his disposal D.at his disposals
A.at which B.on which C.in which D.for which
A.full of B.full with C.devoid of D.devoid from
A.presenting for B.presented for C.presenting to D.presented to
A.in that B.for that C.in which D.for which
A.will guarantee B.guarantee C.will be guaranteed D.are guaranteed
A.ethical B.unethical C.guilty D.unbiased
A.what B.who C.whose D.where
A.defense attorneys B.prosecutors C.the constitution D.defendants
A.further B.nevertheless C.otherwise D.though
A.are falsely charged B.were falsely charged C.being falsely charged D.falsely charged
A.a fair B.a fairer C.the fairest D.the fair
A.will result in B.would result in C.will result at D.would result at
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