
You and I don’t need anyone else’s assistance. We can solve these problems by( ) .句意: 我和你都不需要其它任何人的帮助。我们靠我们自己可以解决问题。

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It was a wonderful occasion which we will ( )for many years to come.

A.conceive B.clutch C.cherish D.contrive

You could argue that many artists have become more( )happiness because modern times have seen so much misery.

A.confident in B.skeptical of C.realistic about D.incapable of

They climbed to the top of the hill ( )they could get a bird’s-eye view of the city.

A.for fear that B.in order that C.in case D.as a result

Now power properly understood is( ) the ability to achieve purpose. It is the strength required to bring about social, political, and economic change.

A.nothing but B.anything but C.all but D.all

Read the following short paragraph carefully and then translate it into English.

虽然人人都需要一个职业是事实——最好是工资高的。但同样确实无误的是 我们的文明已经在与我们自己的专业相去甚远的领域积累了多得令人难以置信的知识, 而我们也具备了了解这些其他方面知识的更好条件——无论他们是科学的贡献还是艺术上的成就。同样确实无误的是,在研究不同智慧时,我们可以学会如何思考。更重要 的也许是教育教会我们看到事物之间的联系,并看到我们的当前需求以外的东西。从长 远的观点来看,这正是教育所真正应该做到的,而我认为它也能够做到的。

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