
In this part there is an essay in Chinese. Read it carefully and then write a summary of 200 words in English on the ANSWER SHEET. Make sure that your summary covers the major points of the essay.

吃出健康健康自古以来就是人们追求的美好目标。近年世界卫生组织对影响人类健康的众多因素进行评估, 结果表明:遗传因素对身体健康的影响居于首位, 为15%;膳食营养对人体健康的影响仅次于遗传因素, 为13%;然后是医疗条件因素, 为8%。由此不难看出, 膳食营养对人体健康是多么重要。在今天, 人们的生活水平显著提高, 绝大多数人衣温食饱, 营养不良状况有了很大改善, 但这不代表人们吃得健康了, 由于大多数人的饮食结构不合理, 营养供给不平衡, 所以维持不了身体的健康。为了维持身体健康, 就必须把不同的食物搭配起来食用。现代营养学把食物分成了两大类:一类主要是供给人体热能的, 我们叫主食;另~类是副食, 如豆制品和蔬菜等。主食种类很多, 它们所含氨基酸、维生素、无机盐的种类和数量又互不相同, 故不能只用一种粮食作为主食, 应做到粗细粮合理搭配, 副食中的肉类、蛋类、奶类、鱼类、海产类、豆类和蔬菜等, 都能提供丰富的蛋白质和人体必须的脂肪酸、磷脂、维生素、钙、磷、镁、碘等重要营养素, 对人体健康起着非常重要的作用, 饮食的种类多种多样, 所含营养成分各不相同, 只有做到各种食物合理搭配, 才能使人体得到各种不同的营养, 以满足生命活动的需要。膳食搭配的同时要注意季节引起食欲的变化。像夏季酷热多雨, 人们往往食欲降低。消化力也减弱, 大多数人厌食肥肉和油腻食物, 所以要注意食物的色、香、味, 尽力提高食欲, 使身体能够得到全面足够的营养。合理搭配固然重要, 但也应饮食有节, 要注意饮食的量和进食时间。一是饮食要适量。这是说人们吃东西不要太多, 也不要太少, 要恰到好处, 饥饱适中, 过饱不利于健康, 但吃太少也有损于健康。二是饮食应定时。一日三餐, 食之有时, 脾胃适应了这种饮食规律, 到时候便会做好消化食物的准备。同时烹调合理使食品色香味俱全, 不仅增加食欲, 而且有益健康。当然健康饮食对于不同的职业来说也是不相同的。例如, 学校的老师和学生都是脑力劳动者, 用脑较多,由于大脑的主要成分为卵磷脂, 脑疲劳会损失卵磷脂, 而深海鱼和蛋黄富含卵磷脂。因此, 建议每天吃1-2个鸡蛋补充营养, 每周吃一次海鱼。此外, 也应多补充含蛋白质、糖、钙、铁、锌、维生素丰富的食物。如, 禽肉、牛奶、苹果、豆制品等。所以, 只有饮食从各方面做好了, 才能将健康进行到底。

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Use of the illegal drug named Ecstasy (MDMA)(—种迷幻药,俗称摇头丸)has increased alarmingly in Britain over the last few years, and in 1992 the British Medical Journal claimed that at least seven deaths and many severe adverse reactions have followed its use as a dance drug. 14 deaths have so far been attributed to the drug in Britain although it is possible that other drugs contributed to some of those deaths. While it is true that all drugs by their very nature change the way in which the body reacts to its environment and are therefore potentially dangerous, it is still unclear whether casual use of Ecstasy is as dangerous as authorities believe. What is certain is that the drug causes distinct changes to the body which, unless understood, may lead to fatal complications in certain circumstances. In almost all cases of MDMA related deaths in Britain, overheating of the body and inadequate replacement of fluids have been noted as the primary causes of death. Yet in the US, studies appear to implicate other causes. It seems that normal healthy people are unlikely to die as a result of taking MDMA, but people with pre-existing conditions such as a weak heart or asthma may react in extreme ways and are well advised not to take it. Not all physical problems associated with the drug are immediate. Medium term and long term effects have been reported which are quite disturbing, yet not all are conclusively linked to the drug’s use. Medium term effects include the possibility of contracting the liver disease hepatitis, or risking damage to the kidneys. However, animal studies show no such damage, although it is readily admitted by researchers that animal studies are far from conclusive since humans react in different ways than rats and monkeys to the drug. Perhaps the most damning evidence urging against the use of Ecstasy is that it is undoubtedly an addictive substance, but one that quickly loses its ability to transport the mind, while it increases its effect upon the body. Yet, unlike the classic addictive drugs, Ecstasy does not produce physical withdrawal symptoms. In fact, because one becomes quickly tolerant of its effect on the mind, it is necessary to give up its use for a while in order to experience again its full effect. Any substance which produces such a strong effect on the user should be treated with appropriate respect and caution.1.According to the passage, authorities believe that ( ).2.Which of the following might be one cause of MDMA related death in Britain according to the passage?3.It is implied in the passage that the conclusion drawn from MDMA studies on animals ( ).4.MDMA differs from the classic drugs in that ( ).5.What is true of the nature of all drugs according to the passage?

A.the effects of casual use of MDMA remain unknown B.casual use of MDMA won’t cause distinct changes to the body C.casual use of MDMA worft cause death D.even casual use of MDMA will be dangerous for the health
A.Using MDMA as a dance drug B.Overheating of the body C.Too much fluids in the body D.Being addicted to other drugs
A.suggests the use of Ecstasy increases the risk of contracting the liver disease hepatitis B.has been overlooked C.cannot provide absolute proof of the effect of the drug on humans D.shows damage to the kidneys
A.It fails to excite the mind of the users B.It produces no physical withdrawal symptoms C.It is used as a dance drug D.It is an addictive substance
A.They change the way the body reacts to its environment and are therefore dangerous. B.They produce physical withdrawal symptoms. C.They increase the possibility of contracting the liver disease hepatitis. D.Not all effects of their use are immediate.

In the midst of so many evasive comments, this forthright statement, whatever its intrinsic merit, plainly stands out as ( ).

A.an anomaly B.a profundity C.a paradigm D.a misnomer

Now the cheers and applause ( )in a single sustained roar.

A.mingled B.concentrated C.assembled D.permeated

One impediment ( )the general use of a standard in pronunciation is the fact( )pronunciation is learnt naturally and unconsciously,while orthography is learnt deliberately and consciously.

A.in...which B.of...in which C.on...that D.to…that

We had planned to start before breakfast, but we were ( )by the thick fog.

A.brought up B.turned up C.taken up D.held up
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