
Tom’s friends have always been ___.

A.approachable B.approvable C.instinctive D.instrumental

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Section A English to Chinese (15 points)Directions: Translate the underlined part of the following text into Chinese. Write your translation on your ANSWER SHEET.56. In comparison with military, political and economic security, ecological security has a wider influence on the common people living in a country. Once its ecological environment is destroyed, the future survival of the whole nation, especially the poor will be horribly undermined, and it will be extremely difficult for a generation, or even tens of generations to reclaim the environment once ecological deterioration goes beyond a certain threshold. Although protection of the environment has long been a matter of basic state policy for the Chinese government, it is a undeniable fact that, on the whole, efforts to improve the environment have largely failed to match destructive forces working against them.57. This book derivers from decades of teaching in various schools across the country. It is based on the belief that philosophy is a genuinely exciting subject, accessible not only to specialists and a few gifted undergraduate majors but to everyone. Everyone is a philosopher whether enrolled in a philosophical course or not. The difference is that someone who has studied philosophy systematically has the advantage of having encountered stronger and more varied arguments than might have been available otherwise. What is special about this book is that is offers introductory students the otherwise opportunity of having direct contact with substantial readings from significant books on philosophy, but without the unreasonable demand that they confront these books in full, which are often incomprehensible.58. What’s strange about man is that he has yet to learn to settle disputes by some means other than war. Not only does war take a heavy toll of lives, but leads to increased tension. The use of sophisticated weapons is apt to bring about disasters to human health although the reluctance to eliminate weapons of mass destruction on the part of the big powers will not necessarily end up with conflicts. The chances are that man will have his own civilization destroyed if the notion of the survival of the fittest still applies to the international community. We cannot help wondering how many years it will take for the world to eliminate war once for all.Section B Chinese to English (20 points)Directions: Translate the following sentences into English. Write your translation on your ANSWER SHEET.59. 扩大内需是我国经济发展的长期战略方针和基本立足点,也是促进经济均衡发展的根本途径和内在要求。(5 points)60. 近年来我国收入差距不断扩大已成为不争的事实,收入分配的公平问题越来越受到公众的高度关注。(5 points)61. 实现义务教育均衡发展已经成为社会共识,但是,我国目前财政教育经费投入不足,教育资源分配结构也不合理,地区教育公共服务的提供依然存在较大的差异。(6 points)62. 文化是某一特定人群所有传统、习俗、信仰和各种生活方式的总和。(4 points)

While traveling in America, she ______ herself of the opportunity to learn English.

A.ushered B.utilized C.used D.availed

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition of no less than 200 words under the title of “My Favorite Color”. Please write clearly on the Answer Sheet.

The two girls quarreled the day before yesterday, but now they completely ______.

A.coincided B.reckoned C.reconciled D.conceded

Electric eels use charges to ______ prey and also stun them before they eat them.

A.examine B.detect C.determine D.search
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