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Passage 2

You have been badly injured in a car accident. It is necessary to give you a blood transfusion because you lost a great deal of blood in the accident. However, special care must be taken in selecting new blood for you. If the blood is too different from your own, the transfusion could kill you.There are four basic types of blood: A, B, AB and O. A simple test can indicate a person’s blood type. Everybody is born with one of these four types of blood. Blood type, like hair color and height, is inherited from parents.Because of substances contained in each type, the four groups must be transfused carefully. Basically, A and B cannot be mixed. A and B cannot receive AB, but AB may receive A or B. O can give to any other group; hence, it is often called the universal donor. However, because so many reactions can occur in transfusions, patients usually receive only salt or plasma (liquid) until their blood can be matched as exactly as possible in the blood bank of a hospital. In this way, it is possible to avoid any bad reactions to the transfusion.There is a relationship between your blood type and your nationality. Among Europeans and people of European origin, about 42 percent have type A while 45 percent have type O. The rarest is type AB. Other races have different percentages. For example, some American Indian groups have nearly 100 percent type O.66. A good title for this passage is______.67. People with type A blood can receive the blood of a donor with type______.68. The word hence in Paragraph 3 probably means_____.69. If you need a transfusion, the best and safest blood for you is______.70. We can infer from the passage that the third most common blood type of Europeans and people of European origin is_____.

A.Getting Blood and Liquid B.Special Blood Colors C.Human Blood Types D.The Blood Bank of Hospitals
A.AB B.B C.O D.None of the above
A.always B.nevertheless C.therefore D.seldom
A.type AB B.exactly the same type as yours C.type A D.a mixture of salt, liquid, and type O

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94. The sun warms the earth, this makes it possible for plants to grow.


A.warms B.this C.it D.for

91. A talk on Chinese history will give in the school hall next week. AB CD

A.on B.Chinese C.will give D.next week

97. Your hair is too long. You’d better have it to cut tomorrow. AB C D

A.hair B.long C.better D.to cut
I can hardly imagine _______ so much money on a coat like that.

A.spending B.spend C.to spend D.spent
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