
Planting a GardenPlanting a garden is a lot like having a family. Both require a great deal of work, 31 as they grow and as the seasons 32 . As summer days lengthen, your plants become 33 on you, much like your children depend on you for food and drink. Like a 34 child asking for drink of water, your plants do the same. Their bent body issues a demand much the way your child requests milk or juice. Getting enough water, they would, thrive soon.You might also find you have to 35 the space around your plants, much like you pick up toys and clothes that have been thrown in your kid’s room. Similarly, roses need to be pruned (修剪) , and weeds need to be pulled. To keep children heal thy, parents protect their children against disease with 36 , and gardeners do the same with insect repellent (驱虫剂). To nourish (滋养) them, parents 37 children vitamins, and gardeners use fertilizer, as both, promote healthy growth.As children grow up, they need less care. However, here’s where the similarity ends. While plants die or become 38 during winter, children 39 maintain an important role in the family, and parents will find their 40 does not come to an end.
A. help E. dependent I. responsibilityB. clean F. still J. thirstyC. change G. strong K. medicineD. inactive H. give L. especially

相关热点: 驱虫剂  

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