
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 3O minutes to write A Letter to the Editor of a Campus Magazine to present your view about whether the extreme sports should be banned and whether people should be allowed to risk their lives. You should write at least 150 words according to the guidelines given below in Chinese:

1. Tom Granger,19岁,是一所大学极限运动俱乐部(The University Extreme Sports Club)的成员。他在一次进行高空弹射特技表演时,因设备出现故障,不幸身亡。这一惨剧在校园内外引起了广泛争议。请你给编辑写一封信,表明你对这件事的看法。信中必须包括以下内容:

-- 事情的起因和你对此事的态度,是支持大学生从事极限运动,还是反对大学生从事极限运动

-- 阐明你持有这种看法的理由

-- 结论

A Letter to the Editor of a Campus Magazine

相关热点: 极限运动   校园内外  

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