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Everyone in our school loves   1  . We do morning exercises after we   2  . We have P.E. classes   3   a week, and we play sports at five every afternoon. The most   4   sport is basketball. The boys enjoy playing it and many of the girls like it, too. Another popular sport is football and in every class there   5   a lot of football fans. Usually volleyball is played outside when the weather is   6  . We have school teams in basketball, football and volleyball. Our teams often have friendship matches with teams from   7   schools. 

Besides ball games, some of us like running,   8   and throwing. Every term we have tests in these events and once a year we   9   a sports meeting. 

Sports help to keep us   10   and happy.

A. art            B. music           C. sports                D. paintingA. have dinner    B. get up          C. get home              D. have lunchA. the second     B. two             C. second                D. twiceA. popular        B. boring          C. tiring                D. difficultA. is             B. was             C. are                   D. wereA. windy          B. rainy           C. terrible              D. fineA. other          B. others          C. another               D. the otherA. writing        B. jumping         C. singing               D. drawingA. build          B. take            C. have                  D. makeA. health        B. healthy         C. healthier             D. unhealthy

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  Have you ever taken a tour of a zoo? If so, it likely that the person who led you through the zoo helped you to learn a lot about the __1__.

  Amelia Rinas is a high school student who lives in Ohio.One day Amelia __2__ the Cleveland Metropark Zoo.The moment she saw the gorillas there, she left __3__ about them.She wondered if they were getting the right foods.

  Amelia read all she could about gorillas and learned what they like to __4__.Then she started a “gorilla garden”.She grows the fruits and vegetables that gorillas love to eat.Some of those foods are tomatoes, carrots, and strawberries.Amelia works with other volunteers in her community who use their __5__ time to help America and the gorillas.When they take the food to the zoo, the gorillas are thrilled.they look so excited!

  Who is responsible for Amelia’s interest in animals? Amelia is a member of Roots & Shoots.Its members are young people who __6__ animals and the environment.They helped Amelia understand that animals need our care, too.The slogan on the Roots & Shoots Website is “Inspire, take action make a difference.” These words tell __7__ the group is all about.The group urges(力劝) kids and grown ups, including parents and teachers, to do what they can to make a __8__ where they live.

  When interviewed about her project, Amelia said, “I joined Root & Shoots __9__ I wanted to make a difference in the world.”

  There are many __10__ to make a difference in the world.Amelia Rinas’s gorilla garden has helped make gorillas happier and healthier.

1.A.gardens      B.foods        C.plants      D.animals

2.A.opened       B.bought       C.visited     D.started

3.A.bored        B.tired        C.worried     D.relaxed

4.A.eat          B.bite         C.fight       D.kick

5.A.paid         B.last         C.extra       D.lost

6.A.care about   B.look for     C.run after   D.laugh at

7.A.when         B.what         C.how         D.where

8.A.living       B.mistake      C.note        D.difference

9.A.because      B.but          C.though      D.unless  

10.A.ways        B.mysteries    C.courses     D.inventions








    I sat with my friend in a well-known coffee shop. As we enjoyed our coffee, a man entered and sat down beside us. He called the waiter and ordered, "Two  cups of coffee,   1   of them there on the wall." We heard this with great   2   and saw that he was served with one cup of coffee but he paid for two. As soon as he left, the waiter   3   put a piece of paper on the wall saying "A Cup of Coffee". While we were still there, two other men had two cups of coffee but paid for three.   4  , the waiter did the same thing. It seemed that this was usual at this place. However, it was something strange for us. Since we had nothing to do with the   5   , we finished our coffee, paid and left. 

    After a few days, we again had a   6   to go to this coffee shop. While we were enjoying our coffee, a man entered. The way this man was dressed did not match the    7   of this coffee shop. As he seated himself, he looked at the wall and said, "One cup of coffee from the wall." The waiter served coffee to this man with the same   8  . The man had his coffee and left without paying. The waiter took off a piece of paper from the    9   and threw it in the dust bin. Now there was no    10    for us. The great kindness for the people in need shown by the people of this town filled up our eyes with tears. 

A. both    B. neither    C. one    D. noneA.joy    B.interest    C.effort    D.fearA. quickly   B. suddenly   C. wisely    D. properlyA.Instead     B.Again    C.Indeed    D.AnywayA. shop    B. waiter    C. matter    D. menA. hurry    B. time    C. wish    D. chanceA. style.    B. standard   C. furniture   D. colourA.respect    B.courage   C.result    D.customA. board    B. table    C. bill    D. wallA. choice    B. clue    C. doubt    D. hope
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