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Few people like changing their habits, good or bad. Whether it is smoking, drinking or over-eating, they   1   “enjoying” them to the end. 

On every packet of cigarettes(香烟), people are warned against the   2  of smoking: “Warning: Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health”.   3  , millions of them start smoking or go on smoking. Why? 

Facts show that families and surroundings(环境) play a very important part in   4   smokers. All those smokers come from smoking families or have smoking   5   or relatives. Films and TV plays also play a part. People   6   their “heroes” on TV drinking alcohol(酒) or smoking cigarettes. “Heroes” seem to fear   7 , neither killing themselves nor killing others with alcohol and cigarettes. If they are not afraid of the harm of smoking and drinking,   8   should common people be afraid?

The simple warning on the cigarette packet does not influence smokers’ habits. Even   9   warnings, like showing pictures of smokers who have died of cancer, don’t seem to work.  

Knowing and believing seem to be two   10   things. If smoking is really as harmful as doctors say, it is time for smokers to think about it and try to give it up! 

A. stop       B. continue   C. finish    D. avoidA. chances   B. excuses   C. causes    D. dangersA. Moreover  B. Also    C. However   D. OtherwiseA. influencing  B. explaining   C. improving   D. describingA. parents   B. uncles    C. brothers   D. friendsA. hear       B. catch    C. watch    D. faceA. something  B. nothing   C. anything   D. everythingA. what   B. how    C. when    D. whyA. stronger   B. worse    C. longer    D. harderA. similar    B. pleasant   C. different   D. boring

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      I was flying to New York at night. Suddenly, a storm broke and the plane began to be tossed(颠簸)around. 

      When I looked   1   the plane, I could see that nearly all the passengers were worried and afraid. The future seemed terrible and many were    2     if they would make it through the storm.

      Then , I    3    saw a little girl. It seemed that the storm meant   4    to her. She sat on her seat reading a book. Sometimes she closed her eyes, then she would read again, with no    5    or fear in her eyes. When the other passengers were scared(惊恐的) half to death, that child was completely calm and    6   . I couldn’t believe my eyes.

     When the plane finally reached New York, I was not surprised to   7     that all the passengers were hurrying to come out. I stopped and spoke to the girl whom I had   8     for such a long time. I asked    9     she had not been afraid. 

     The child replied, “My daddy is the   10    , and he is taking me home.”

1.A.at               B. around                C. up                 D.into

2.A.wondering        B.expecting              C.dreaming            D.realizing 

3.A.probably          B.luckily                C.suddenly            D.certainly

4.A.something         B.anything              C.everything           D.nothing

5.A.pride             B.worry                 C.anger              D.regret

6.A.unafraid          B.nervous                C.active              D.tired

7.A.say              B.hear                   C.find               D.think

8.A.known           B.watched                C.helped             D.protected

9.A.whether          B.how                   C.when              D.why

10.A.guard            B.driver                  C.pilot              D.traveller


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Once when Kevin was selling hats under a big tree, the monkeys on the tree picked some hats and put them on. So Kevin took off his own hat and threw  1   on the ground. The stupid monkeys threw their hats, too! Kevin soon   2   all the hats and left happily. 

   Fifty years later, young Tony,   3   of Kevin, also sold hats for a living.   4   a long walk, Tony was tired, so he put his bag of hats beside him and laid down under a big tree. He was soon fast   5  .

   When he woke up, Tony found that there weren’t any hats in his bag! Tony started looking for his hats. To his   6  , he found some monkeys on the tree wearing his hats.

   Tony didn’t know what to do. Then he remembered the story his grandfather   7   used to tell him. “Yes! I can fool these monkeys!” said Tony. “I’ll   8   them imitate (模仿) me and very soon I will get all my hats back!” 

   Tony then waved at the monkeys, the monkeys waved at him. Tony started dancing, the monkeys were also dancing. Tony threw his hat on the ground…

   Just then, one of the monkeys jumped down   9   the tree, picked up the hat Tony threw on the ground and   10   up to Tony. He said, “Do you think only you had a grandfather?”  

A. it            B. its            C. him              D. hisA. pointed       B. put            C. collected          D. matchedA. father        B. son            C. grandson          D. friend A. When       B. After            C. Before            D. AsA. alive        B. afraid            C. awake            D. asleepA. pleasure      B.interest          C. value             D. surpriseA. recently      B.luckly            C. proudly           D. angrilyA. tell          B. make            C. promise           D. realizeA. from         B. beside           C. toward            D. throughA. put         B. brought           C. walked            D. took

   It was the first time that my wife and I had flown first class. As we boarded the plane, we felt as if (好像) we were   1   of a wealthy group. We were filled with a sense of pride at   2  with those important people. 

   We   3   that the stewardess (空姐) was working non-stop to make sure of the comfort of the first class passengers. She could not walk by a seat   4   being given an order. I thought she must love her job very much, since she gave each person such a big    5   . 

   As the stewardess    6    our seats near the end of the flight, I looked up at her and said, “Thank you and I hope you have a great night.” She stopped with a look of disbelief on her face, and said: “Excuse me?” I    7   my words and she smiled in a rather funny way. It seemed as if I had asked a question that she did not know how to   8  . A little later, as we were getting off the plane, the stewardess said to me: “Thank you very much, sir.” Then she said   9   : “You are the only passenger who has thanked me or said anything nice to me all night. I really appreciate your kindness.” 

   The sense of belonging to an elite(精英) group in first class   10   as soon as I heard those words. We were reminded that without kindness, there would be no first-class flying.

 A.one      B.part       C.member     D.sign A.sitting     B.driving      C.getting     D.taking A.showed    B.surveyed   C.noticed       D.looked A.without    B.while      C.after         D.for A.excitement  B.shyness     C.smile      D.sadness A.passed      B.walked       C.crossed     D.went A.repeated  B.spoke      C.talked     D.wrote A.decide       B.answer     C.discuss    D.consider A.loudly       B.suddenly    C.sadly      D.quietly A.remained  B.appeared    C.disappeared   D.continued
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