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He________his promise that he would take good care of his neighbour's pet cat.(turn)


We'd better stop complaining and set about realizing what we are dreaming of ________the best

   chance.(case)    我们最好停止抱怨并开始实现我们的梦想, 以免错过最好的机会.

Men, according to the study, ________suffer from a heart disease than women if they are addicted

    to smoking.(likey)    据报道, 如果沉溺于吸烟, 男性比女性更有可能患心脏方面的疾病.

The foreigner can't speak Chinese, ________what these actors are singing.(nor)

   这个外国人不会说中文, 他也听不懂那些演员在唱什么.

It is the glorious duty for every soldier________.(defend)


You should concentrate on what your teacher said in class and________again.(avoid)

   你应该专心于老师在课堂上所讲的, 避免再次犯同样的错误.

________from the supermarket, she was arrested and would be sentenced two months in prison.

   (catch)    因为被抓住从超市偷东西, 她被逮捕, 并且将会判处两个月的囚禁.

________for many years, I received a message from her recently, which surprised me a lot.(touch)

   多年未和她保持联系, 最近我却收到一条来自她的短信, 这使得我非常惊讶.

After the middleterm examination, my teacher wrote me a letter, ________than ever before.(inspire)

   期中考试过后, 我的老师给我写了一封信, 鼓励我比以前更加努力学习.

In Beijing Olympic games, the Chinese team got 51 gold medals, ________of all the competing

    countries.(rank)    在北京奥运会上, 中国代表队获得了51枚金牌, 在所有的参赛国家中排名第一.

相关热点: 参赛国   代表队  

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