
One day one of them said to the king. "After much thought and study. I have found out that Ihert. is only one way for you to get well. You must wear the shirt of a happy ]nail. "
So Ihe king sent his men to every part of his land to look for a happy man. First they visited me rich They asked all thesepeoplethesamequostion. "Arc you happy?" Bul every one of them answcred. "No. 1 don't know what real happiness means. "
One day nile of the king's men mci a woodcutter (伐木工)
"Are you happy?" asked die king's man.
"As happy as the day is long. " answered Ibc woodcutter.
"Oh. goodt" said the man. "Give me your shirt. "
"Why?" said Ibe woodculter. "I beven'l got one. "
The king wasn't happy because he wtm ill.

相关热点: 伐木工  

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