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The New York Times states that cheerleading(啦啦队) is the fast growing girl’s sport, yet more than half of Americans do not believe it is a sport. For them, cheerleading is just leading cheers. If the girls are doing dances on the sidelines(球场边) or they’re holding a sign trying to get a crowd response, that technically would’t be considered a sport. While sideline cheerleaders’ main goal is to entertain the crowd and lead them with team cheers, the competitive cheerleaders are playing to win. A sport, according to the Association of Cheerleading Coaches and Advisers, is a physical activity or competition against or with an opponent(对手), governed by rules and conditions under which a winner is declared, and the primary purpose of the competition is a comparison of the relative skills of the participants. Because competitive cheerleading follows these guidelines, it is a sport. Competitive cheerleading includes lots of physical activities. Like gymnasts(体操运动员), cheerleaders must learn to tumble(翻跟头). They perform standing back flips(蹦跳), round flip flops, and full layout twists. Cheerleaders also perform lifts and tosses. This is where the fliers are thrown in the air, held by bases in different positions that require strength and cooperation with other teammates. Just as basketball and football have guidelines for competitive play, so does competitive cheerleading. The whole routine has to be completed in less than 3 minutes and 15 seconds and the cheerleaders are required to stay within a certain area. Competitive cheerleaders’ goal is to be the best. Just like gymnasts, they are awarded points for difficulty, technique, creativity and sharpness. The more difficult a stunt(绝技), the sharper and more in-sync(同步的), the higher score they can get. Cheerleading is a team sport so without cooperation and synchronization(同步), first place is out of reachAccording to the passage,()cheerleading is a sport
A.A.fast-growing B.B.sideline C.C.competitive D.D.physical
“国家地理频道”播出了一头在马戏团里表演了30多年的大象的故事。这头大象退休之后被送到“养老中心”。温驯的它到了以后却躁动不安,甚至把隔栏都撞坏了,弄得管理员不知如何是好。管理员观察了一会儿,觉得这头大象和隔栏的另一头大象似乎是相互认识的,赶紧调出它们的档案。有趣的是,这两头大象的确30年前在同一地点一起表演过。所以,当管理员把它们之间的隔栏拿开,这两头大象就表现得非常相亲相爱,以一副“老朋友久违重逢”的样子叙起旧来。大象的记忆力是超出我们想象的,这跟大象大大的脑容量有关。那么,人类的记忆力又是如何呢?生理学家表示:“人一旦记住的事情,要遗忘几乎是不可能的;看似遗忘的事情,其实只是被锁在记忆的深处罢了。”事实证明,人很容易受到“负面记忆情绪”的暗示,而你的潜意识往往能主导事情的结果。所以,如果你一直记得不愉快的过去,其实和一直处于那个时候的状况,是没什么两样的。更糟的是,“负面记忆”很容易就变成自我暗示的题材,从而成为阻挡你前进的力量。以我个人的经验而言,帮助我前进的往往是快乐、成功的记忆;而阻碍我、让我退缩不前的,往往是不愉快、负面的记忆。既然对我们而言,现在和未来才是最重要的,同样是记忆,何不选择记得那些好的部分呢?因为,快乐的记忆如同人生的啦啦队,而悲伤的回忆则令人忧惧。这两头大象的关系是: A.母子B.兄妹C.夫妻D.“老朋友”
“国家地理频道”播出了一头在马戏团里表演了30多年的大象的故事。这头大象退休之后被送到“养老中心”。温驯的它到了以后却躁动不安,甚至把隔栏都撞坏了,弄得管理员不知如何是好。管理员观察了一会儿,觉得这头大象和隔栏的另一头大象似乎是相互认识的,赶紧调出它们的档案。有趣的是,这两头大象的确30年前在同一地点一起表演过。所以,当管理员把它们之间的隔栏拿开,这两头大象就表现得非常相亲相爱,以一副“老朋友久违重逢”的样子叙起旧来。大象的记忆力是超出我们想象的,这跟大象大大的脑容量有关。那么,人类的记忆力又是如何呢?生理学家表示:“人一旦记住的事情,要遗忘几乎是不可能的;看似遗忘的事情,其实只是被锁在记忆的深处罢了。”事实证明,人很容易受到“负面记忆情绪”的暗示,而你的潜意识往往能主导事情的结果。所以,如果你一直记得不愉快的过去,其实和一直处于那个时候的状况,是没什么两样的。更糟的是,“负面记忆”很容易就变成自我暗示的题材,从而成为阻挡你前进的力量。以我个人的经验而言,帮助我前进的往往是快乐、成功的记忆;而阻碍我、让我退缩不前的,往往是不愉快、负面的记忆。既然对我们而言,现在和未来才是最重要的,同样是记忆,何不选择记得那些好的部分呢?因为,快乐的记忆如同人生的啦啦队,而悲伤的回忆则令人忧惧。对人类而言,主导事情结果的往往是: A.回忆B.经验C.记忆力D.潜意识